River Valley Civilization

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River Valley Civilization af Mind Map: River Valley Civilization

1. Social Structure and Family Life

1.1. Shang Zhou

1.1.1. ex: a ranking system developed with kings and priest at the top

1.1.2. ex: women held little power in the household

1.1.3. ex: Few women had an education

1.1.4. ex: a ranking system developed with kings and a priest at the top

1.2. Sumeria

1.2.1. ex: Women had little power and worked at home

1.2.2. ex: Men were the leaders and had the most important jobs

2. Religion

2.1. Shang Zhou

2.1.1. ex: Focused on ancestor worship

2.1.2. ex: Most tombs contained valuable items made of jade and bronze

2.1.3. ex: Offered gifts to their deceased ancestors to keep them happy in the afterlife

2.1.4. ex: Asked ancestors for help through oracle bones

2.2. Sumeria

2.2.1. ex: practiced polytheism

2.2.2. ex: Priests held high status

2.2.3. ex: The believed that the gods controlled all forces

2.2.4. ex: Also beleived that a god protected each city-state

3. Government and Leaders

3.1. Shang Zhou

3.1.1. ex:Ruled by the mondate of china

3.1.2. ex: later Chinese rulers used the mondate of heaven to explain the cycle of empires

3.2. Sumeria

3.2.1. ex: Priests held highest status

3.2.2. ex: war chiefs began to rule as kings

3.2.3. ex: Enlil is the god of air and storms

3.2.4. ex: offered food and drink to the gods

4. Science and Technology

4.1. Shang Zhou

4.1.1. ex: had a math system

4.1.2. ex: used iron tools

4.2. Sumeria

4.2.1. ex: developed an math system based on 60 (60 seconds in a min, 360 degrees in a circle)

4.2.2. ex: used geometry, helped build big and elaborate structures and helped irragation

4.2.3. ex: invented the wheel

4.2.4. ex: most likely had sewers

5. Economy and Trade

5.1. Shang Zhou

5.1.1. ex: Traded iron for many supplies

5.1.2. ex: Cities grew and people created roads and canals

5.2. Sumeria

5.2.1. ex: They obtained many of their buildings and art through trade

5.2.2. ex: Lacked materials like wood and metal

5.2.3. ex: Traded woven textiles and pots for raw materials

5.2.4. ex: Became more enriched in trade a ranking system developed with kings at the top and slaves at the bottom

6. Geography and Agriculture

6.1. Shang Zhou

6.2. Sumeria

6.2.1. ex: extremely rich soil

6.2.2. ex: Between the Mediterranean and the Persian gulf

6.2.3. ex: had a jump start because of the animals and good land

6.2.4. ex: became a large farming civilization

7. Art and Education

7.1. Shang Zhou

7.1.1. ex: Confucianism based on a scholar by the name of Konguzi

7.1.2. ex: believed in treating others humanly

7.2. Sumeria

7.2.1. ex: use of arches, ramps, and columns

7.2.2. ex: small stone cylinders engraved with pictures

7.2.3. ex: mostly men were educated

7.2.4. ex: traded their art for raw materials