Allagash Wilderness Waterway Canoeing Expedition

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Allagash Wilderness Waterway Canoeing Expedition af Mind Map: Allagash Wilderness Waterway Canoeing Expedition

1. Trip Itinerary

1.1. Trip duration

1.2. Miles/day

1.3. Portages

1.4. Campsites

1.5. Contingencies/delays

1.6. Maps

1.6.1. Map 12 of Northern Forest Canoe Trail

1.6.2. Custom topo from

2. Training

2.1. On-water

2.2. Off-water

2.3. Training schedule

3. Risk Management Plan

4. Logistics

4.1. Car parking?

4.2. Shuttle back to car

4.3. Permit

5. Expedition Purpose

5.1. Aim

5.2. Goals and Objectives

6. Budget

6.1. Gas

6.2. Gear

6.2.1. 4 essentials

6.2.2. On-water gear

6.2.3. off-water gear

6.3. Food

6.4. Maps

6.5. Emergency $

6.6. Cost per person

7. Food

7.1. Plan meals

7.2. Purchase food

7.3. Organize food

7.4. How much fuel?

8. Emergency Action Plan

8.1. EVAC plan

8.2. Emergency contacts

8.3. Protocol

9. Weather

9.1. Mid-may

9.2. Water levels