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CEOs af Mind Map: CEOs

1. shop manager

1.1. every little thing

1.1.1. repairman

1.1.2. cashier

1.1.3. assistant

2. on line manager

2.1. renew

2.1.1. new clothing

2.1.2. sale

2.2. commercial

2.2.1. on line

2.2.2. on TV

3. group manager

3.1. stylist

3.1.1. design clothing

3.1.2. help customer design clothing

3.2. receptionist

3.2.1. tell the customer what we are doing

3.2.2. answer customer's problem and help then

4. CFO

4.1. income

4.1.1. payment from the customer in store

4.1.2. payment from on line shop

4.2. pay expend

4.2.1. wages salsry

4.2.2. repair the store

4.2.3. pay the clothes money

4.2.4. pay the factory

4.3. bank

4.3.1. borrow the money form the bank

4.3.2. cash on deposit