To what extent can the use of language be shaped by the implementation and use of new words? ...

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To what extent can the use of language be shaped by the implementation and use of new words? By Albert Mashkulli af Mind Map: To what extent can the use of language be shaped by the implementation and use of new words?                                                           By Albert Mashkulli

1. AOK: Indigenous Kowledge systems

1.1. Many languages were wiped among the indigenous tribes and were replaced with the languages of the people that were in power

1.1.1. Ex. Spanish and English replaced the natives languages of the land in the Americas because they were the dominant force. [MR. W: Good example. I'd like to see two "leaf" examples (with cited sources) for every "branch."]

2. AOK:History

2.1. Throughout history languages changed, merged, or became extinct through interaction with other societies

2.1.1. Ex. Many languages that were part of the Roman Empire have gone extinct and latin became the dominant language of the region.

3. WOK:Language

3.1. Languages change over time. All languages either evolve or become extinct through the use of new languages or words.

3.2. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

3.2.1. "Language determines our experience of reality, and we can see and think only what our language allows us to see and think"(Lagemat 68)

3.3. Language can be used persuade and influence individuals(Lagemat 73)

3.3.1. Ex: Situations change when you change words in a conversation, some words are terrorist and freedom fighter, genetically modified food to Frankenstein food, free speech to hate speech, censorship to parenting. By doing the meaning and feelings of a conversation changes.(Lagmat 73)

3.3.2. Language is also changed in war time, some examples are changing the word kill to neutralize, dead to no longer a factor, invade to liberate, and bombed cities to collateral damage. (Lagemat 75) By changing these words a lot of the population won't have a problem with what the government is doing.

3.4. Lagemaat, Richard Van De. Theory of Knowledge for the IB Diploma. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2005. Print.

4. AOK: Religious Knowledge Systems

4.1. The original Muslim Empire was enforced their use of Arabic among the citizens which eventually led them to adopting Arabic as their main language. [MR. W: The "empire" no longer exists, but the hegemony of Arabic remains. Christian Europe had a similar situation with Latin. What role does religion play in the evolution of language (and knowledge)?

4.2. One more example needed.