Genealogical Tree

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Genealogical Tree af Mind Map: Genealogical Tree

1. Grandma And Grandpa

1.1. My mother Adriana

1.2. My aunt Milena

1.3. My aunt Marcela

1.4. My aunt Beatriz

2. Aunt of my Grandma And Grandpa

2.1. Enrique Sanchez

2.2. Francisco Osorno

3. Mother And Father

3.1. I Alexander

3.1.1. Project specifications

3.1.2. End User requirements

3.1.3. Action points sign-off

3.2. My sister Laura

3.2.1. Define actions as necessary

4. Great Grandmother And Great Grandfather

4.1. Ana Isabel Sanchez

4.2. Hernando de jesus olarte