Software Project Management

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Software Project Management af Mind Map: Software Project Management

1. Identify all stakeholders, characters that could be potentially impacted by our software.

1.1. Use Gert's (1988) Rules to see who is affected and how they might be affected !

1.1.1. Don't kill.

1.1.2. Don't cause pain.

1.1.3. Don't disable.

1.1.4. Don't deprive of freedom.

1.1.5. Don't deprive of pleasure.

1.1.6. Don't deceive.

1.1.7. Don't cheat.

1.1.8. Keep your promises.

1.1.9. Obey the law.

1.1.10. Do your duty.

2. Applying Ethics

2.1. Why would we want to apply ethics to our software development process?

2.1.1. They are likely to influence the success of the particular software project and promote ethical sensitivity in a broader context and contribute to the image of our company.

2.2. Which are the most important ethical aspects we should consider?

2.2.1. Honour

2.2.2. Honesty

2.2.3. Fairness

2.2.4. Due care

2.2.5. Consideration of social cost

2.2.6. Bias

3. Software Development Impact Statement

3.1. It includes the means of revisiting and re-evaluating ethical issues in the light of the unfolding development process.

3.2. If the impact on particular stakeholders changes in a negative way then the ethical obligations to those stakeholders, as stated in the original SoDIS, must be re-evaluated.

4. Work Brakedown Structure (WBS)

5. Design

6. Implementation

7. Control

8. Test