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energy af Mind Map: energy

1. Thermal energy

1.1. Book definition: The total potential and kinetic energy related to the motion of all the microscopic particles in an object make up its thermal energy.

1.2. My definition:The motion of the particles create all of the objects energy.

1.3. Example: Molten metal,alluminum

2. potential energy

2.1. Book definition: energy that is stored as a result of position or shape.

2.2. My definition: Stored energy of an object.

2.3. Example: A bow pulled all the way back and a bout to be released.

3. Chemical energy

3.1. Book definition: Energy stored in chemical bonds.

3.2. My definition: The reactions of chemicals create energy.

3.3. Example:Coal ,gasoline

4. Mechanical energy

4.1. Book definition:The energy associated with the motion and position of every day objects.

4.2. My definition: Energy involved with daily motions and positions>

4.3. Example: Sprinting athletes,bouncing balls.

5. Nuclear energy

5.1. Book definition: The energy stored in an atomic nuclei.

5.2. My definition: The energy of an atom.

5.3. Example: Nuclear fission,Atomic bomb.

6. kinetic energy

6.1. Book definition: The energy of motion.

6.2. My definition: Energy that is being in use currently by motion.

6.2.1. Example: A roller coaster at its peek.

6.3. Example: rollercoaster at its peek.

7. electromagnetic energy

7.1. Book definition: A form of energy that travels through space in the form of waves.

7.2. My definition: Energy that travels through air.

7.3. Examples: visible light,X-rays,ultraviolet radiation.