Difference Between Input and Output devices

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Difference Between Input and Output devices af Mind Map: Difference Between  Input and Output devices

1. Output: Printer

1.1. Point 1

1.2. Point 2

1.3. Point 3

1.4. A printer allows you processed information to be portable and transported away from the computer.

2. Output: Monitor

2.1. Idea 1

2.2. Idea 2

2.3. Idea 3

2.4. The monitor allows instant view of information after it has been processed by the computert

3. Input: Keyboard

3.1. Goal 1

3.2. Goal 2

3.3. Goal 3

3.4. The use of a keyboard allows a student to direct input information into the computer system

4. Input: Software

4.1. Problem 1

4.2. Problem 2

4.3. Problem 3

4.4. Software can be downloaded directly to the computer from a disk or the internet