My Foundation of Education

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My Foundation of Education af Mind Map: My Foundation of Education

1. Chapter 3 History of US Education

1.1. Dame Schools

1.1.1. Materials

1.1.2. Personel

1.1.3. Services

1.1.4. Duration

1.2. Latin Grammar Schools

1.3. The Purpose of colonial education

1.4. The purpose of industrialized American education

1.5. World competition/space race/technology

1.6. The first colleges

1.6.1. high schools junior high schools

1.7. Admission to colleges

2. Equality of Opportunity

2.1. Schedule

2.2. Budget

2.3. Resources

2.4. Delays

3. Chapter 1 Limits and Promises

3.1. Limits

3.2. Promises

3.3. problems in Urban education

3.3.1. Assessment Issues Decline in Literacy

4. Politics of Education

4.1. NCLB

4.1.1. Test Teaching

4.1.2. Failing Schools What/who determines a failing school

4.1.3. School Choice Charter Schools Privitization of schools

4.2. Goals 2000

4.2.1. Reading levels by 2000

4.3. Nation at Risk

4.3.1. Schools are dumbing down

4.4. Equality of education

4.5. Equity for all

4.6. Equal Opportunities

4.7. Capitalism and open free market is a driving force that determines the direction of education. Who benefits?

5. Education Inequality

6. Educational Reform

7. Philosophy