What is the SAT and how it will change?

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What is the SAT and how it will change? af Mind Map: What is the SAT and how it will change?

1. Define SAT:

1.1. SAT is a test that every student's need to for have admission in a collage.

1.2. It show how smart a student is.

1.3. Studies shown that SAT is a useful test that widely spread out in many schools.

2. Reasons for 2016 change:

2.1. SAT is going to change in 2016 because is going to be better and more comfortable for student's to do.

2.2. Another reason is because the test have some errors that is going to be fix.

3. Conclusion:

3.1. SAT is a test so useful for all type of students, it analysis the skills and thinking of a student, and is the admission to can go to a college.

4. Introduction:

4.1. SAT is a test for all student's for study them academic skills, and is used for admission to US colleges.

4.2. College today depends in part on strong critical thinking and analysis skills, so the redesigned test will seek to better gauge student preparedness for the rigors of college coursework.