What's My Learning Style By Myshel Maupin

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What's My Learning Style By Myshel Maupin af Mind Map: What's My Learning Style By Myshel Maupin

1. References:http://psychology.about.com/od/educationalpsychology/ss/jung-styles_4.htm#step-heading http://www4.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/ILSdir/styles.htm

2. Conclusion: No matter what learning style you prefer, I believe you still have to adjust to almost every one in some way to be well rounded and able to succeed in any learning environment. But still be able to find a way to maximize your learning by converting material to your style, which in my case to Sensing and verbal.

3. Verbal Style Characteristics:

3.1. Prefer Lectures

3.2. Love Music

3.3. Usually likes to talk

4. My scored and primary preferred learning styles are: Sensing and Verbal

4.1. I tend to have to connect every thing I learn to the real world

4.2. I tend to have to connect every thing I learn to the real world

5. Sensing Style Characteristics:

5.1. Practical and reasonable

5.2. Good at memorization

5.3. Enjoys order and routine

6. 2 Strategies for Sensing Learning

6.1. Look for specific examples from the instructor or text book for the material being taught

6.2. Apply concepts and procedures in practice

7. 2 Strategies for Verbal Learning

7.1. Write out in my own words course “to-do” lists and explanations of assignments

7.2. Use resources that have audio instructions, such as YouTube