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Plagiarism af Mind Map: Plagiarism

1. Resource #1

1.1. A student could get kicked out of school for plagiarizing. When a student copies someones work it is actually cheating. Cheat could hurt you grade. But when a student Plagiarizes they copy text and turn it in as their work and this could hurt your reputation.

2. Resource #2

2.1. A student could not accomplish their goals when plagiarizing. Who is going to hire a student that gets kicked out of college for doing something wrong. Sure a student could work as a janitor or a bus driver. They are good jobs but they aren't going to pay all the bills.

3. Resouce #3

3.1. Plagiarizing can affect a student mentally. A student has a guilty mind and this could hurt there integrity. Getting a career plagiarizing could hurt a student. Even when applying a job because sometimes plagiarizing can show as a criminal offense.

4. Resource #4

4.1. When plagiarizing, a student could also hurt their family and not know it. When the student is the only who plans on providing for his or her family getting a great job like a Store Manager or even CEO for a huge company.

5. Conclusion

5.1. When plagiarizing, a student can get kicked out of school, not accomplish a career, and hurt themselves mentally. A student must understand polies and think about what could happen if they try to get the fast way out.

6. Thesis

6.1. How does plagiarism affect students? When plagiaring, a student could get kicked out of school, not accomplish their career and could hurt them mentally.