Theme: Forces. Kite creation. Lesson 4

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Theme: Forces. Kite creation. Lesson 4 af Mind Map: Theme: Forces. Kite creation. Lesson 4

1. Focus questions the theme will address.

1.1. • Develop their ability to apply safe procedures when using a variety of materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques to make designed solutions. • Understand of the force of wind, which they will apply to their kite’s ability to fly.

2. Cross curriculum learning experiences.

2.1. Art.

2.2. Sustainability.

2.3. Numeracy

2.4. Literacy

2.5. Science.

3. Instructions to create the kite.

3.1. 1. Gather materials required for the kite.

3.2. 2. Lay supporting beams of kite in a crucifix formation.

3.3. 3. Tie pieces where they join.

3.4. 4.Add a small incision on the ends of each stick.

3.5. 5. Tie string around the sticks so that the string falls into the slits. leave a small tail of string at the bottom of the kite.

3.6. 6. Tie fabric around the kite.

3.7. 7. Where we made our first tie tie a long piece of string to that first not

3.8. video for instructions.

3.9. Lesson plan.

3.9.1. Teaching and Learning Strategies: Introduction: Put on a video the science of wind. Play 0-5 minutes. Next, put on video: Bill Nye science guy- Flight 0- 5 minutes of video. Body: Inform students that materials that they may not have been able to find are up the front. Explain that some materials may be different but that they must adapt their kite to use the materials available. Students are now able to create their kites. Using anecdotal notes on an expanded classroom list for recording will be used to mark students understanding of how forces will act on the kite, as well as their ability to use safe procedures when using a variety of materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques to make designed solutions. Roam the classroom looking for inappropriate behaviour/ dangerous behaviour. Assess if individual students need some extra help. Conclusion: Instruct students to place their kites onto their desks so that people can view them in a minute. Students to start clearing up any rubbish and to put any borrowed/ unused supplies back where they came from. Students to do a gallery walk of each other’s kites. Once the gallery walk is complete, instruct students to bring their kites up to the front of the classroom and place them in a neat pile. Gather students onto the mat to discuss student’s predictions of their kites.

4. Alignment with the Australian Technologies Curriculum.

4.1. Investigate how forces or electrical energy can control movement, sound or light in a designed product or system (ACTDEK020)

4.2. Apply safe procedures when using a variety of materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques to make designed solutions(ACTDEP026)

4.3. Negotiate criteria for success that include consideration of sustainability to evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions (ACTDEP027)

4.4. Develop project plans that include consideration of resources when making designed solutions individually and collaboratively(ACTDEP028)

5. Materials required.

5.1. Kite construction workbook.

5.1.1. .

5.2. Materials to create the kite.

5.2.1. Sticks, support beams.

5.2.2. Fabric.

5.2.3. Masking tape.

5.2.4. Glue

5.2.5. Assorted recycled materials suited for a kite.

5.2.6. String.

5.3. Web addresses

5.3.1. Videos