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ETIKO af Mind Map: ETIKO

1. Stakeholders that Benefit

1.1. How they benefit

1.1.1. 300 Indians able to start up micro businesses from micro credit given by Etiko - Loan with minimal interest to pay back.

1.2. Indian Cotton Farmers

1.3. Their Families

1.3.1. Through Health Care provided by the money from Etiko

1.4. The Indian Community

1.4.1. Employment / Incomes

1.4.2. Supermarkets in the local community set up with funds from Etiko - good priced food.

1.5. Argentina

1.5.1. ?

1.6. South Pakistan - rubber comes from

1.7. Etiko

1.7.1. Creates employment in Australia.

1.8. Environment of India

1.8.1. Farmers not reliant on Genetically modified cotton crops / fertilisters etc doing harm to water supplies etc.

1.9. Australian Consumers

1.9.1. Helping others - feel good.

1.9.2. Organic cotton free from pesticides etc so perhaps better for you.

1.10. FActory Workers

1.10.1. Health.