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Technologies af Mind Map: Technologies

1. Output Devices

1.1. “Output devices include all hardware components that move information (data that have been processed) out of the computer to make it accessible to you.” (Lever-Duffy & McDonald, 2015 P. 94).

1.1.1. Printer, Speaker, Monitor

1.1.2. Output helps to get ideas compiled on the computer out of the computer. Printing a paper written on the computer makes it become something real to the reader or writer.

2. Inputs

2.1. “An input device is any device that allows users to enter data and commands.” (Lever-Duffy & McDonald, 2015 P. 92)

2.1.1. Keyboards, mouse, trackball

2.1.2. Input devices help to get the information needed into the computer. Whether it is from your brain to the screen or a touch of a button, input information makes the computer do what is possible.