Visual Thinking

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Visual Thinking af Mind Map: Visual Thinking

1. Mind Mapping

1.1. Digital

1.1.1. Installed locally

1.2. Hand-drawn

1.2.1. Paper

1.2.2. Pen

1.3. Online

1.3.1. Web

1.3.2. Mobile

2. Brainstorming

2.1. Alone

2.1.1. Organize your thoughts

2.1.2. "Braindump"

2.2. Collaborative

2.2.1. Real-time!

2.2.2. With colleagues

2.2.3. With friends

2.3. Comments & vote on topics!

3. Planning

3.1. Projects

3.1.1. Software

3.1.2. Business venture

3.1.3. Moving

3.2. Events

3.2.1. Weddings

3.2.2. Conferences

3.3. Strategies

3.3.1. Marketing

3.3.2. Sales

3.3.3. Business