QSI Ideas (2015-2016)

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QSI Ideas (2015-2016) af Mind Map: QSI Ideas (2015-2016)

1. Professional Development

1.1. Movies

1.1.1. Watch movies at next professional development day

1.1.2. Share movies - teachers can watch at home and discuss at next staff meeting

1.1.3. Have some discussion questions for teachers to think about

1.1.4. Arranged Marriage (teachable moments)

1.2. Case studies about different students

1.2.1. distruptive students

1.2.2. students with ADD

1.3. Teachers sharing insights, tools, strategies at staff meetings

1.4. topics to discuss

1.4.1. differentiation

1.4.2. students with disabilities

1.4.3. student-centered assessments (self, peer, and student-led conferences.

2. Literature class

2.1. Books by authors of different countries and books Ss can connect with

2.2. Resources

2.2.1. World Literary Travellers

2.3. Tanya's suggestions in TEACH-NOW

2.4. Afghan girl book

3. Ideas from TEACH-NOW

3.1. Classmates

3.1.1. Ss take turns sharing news from their countries

3.1.2. pair stronger Ss with weaker Ss

3.1.3. online vocabulary flashcards (Quizlet.com)

3.1.4. backwards by design planning

3.1.5. Tutoring diads (peer study groups)

3.2. Program

3.2.1. Technology Online mapping Videos - VoiceThreads Infographics with Piktochar Graphic organizers Flowcharts

3.2.2. Other Common Ground Collaborative (CGC) Reading Recovery

3.2.3. Teaching Strategies Student-Centered Learning

4. Miscellaneous

4.1. Lay out expectations (mine and Ss) during first week

4.2. Questionnaire at beginning of year (see Notes on iPad)

5. After school activities

5.1. book club

5.2. movie club

6. Assessment

6.1. Student-assessment

6.1.1. create rubric with Ss, focus on certain aspects of rubric, Ss underline key words in rubric (e.g. clear thesis) and evidence on their own essays (in same color) - if Ss didn't meet rubric criteria, make note in the margin to improve, Ss improve essay and turn into teacher for a grade.

6.2. Peer-assessment

6.2.1. related to clear standards, constructive critique on works-in-progress, Ss use feedback to revise work

6.2.2. ladder of feedback (clarity, value, concern, suggestions); based on rubric

6.3. Student-led conferences with parents

6.3.1. Ss and teachers prepare together, Ss lead while teacher facilitates; Ss share reflections on progress, achievements and challenges, talk about goals for next quarter

6.4. portfolio

6.4.1. Ss talk about what they did, learned, what they did well and what they would improve next time

7. Resources

7.1. Finding games, websites and apps (from Lindsay)

7.2. Robert Mace's list for differentiation manipulatives

8. Starting the new year

8.1. describe my teaching methodology

8.1.1. Challenge with support (just above Ss' current abilities, scaffold to break things down into manageable pieces)

8.1.2. Make assignments feel relevant to Ss' lives

8.1.3. Encourage choice

8.1.4. Set clear goals and give feedback along the way (am I moving in the right direction?)

8.1.5. Build positive peer-peer and teacher-student relationships

8.1.6. Offer hands-on concentration

9. First, get Ss to answer questions on own

10. School-wide

10.1. TED-Ed Club (grades 9-12)

10.2. Celebrate International Days

10.3. Goal 3

11. Writing class

11.1. Essays: brainstorming, organizing paragraphs, pre-writing

11.1.1. online concept maps (Mindmeister)

11.2. Online Writing Lab

11.3. TED talks

11.3.1. Watch TED talk, provide transcript & discussion questions

11.3.2. Small group to answer discussion questions that are based on unit's evaluation rubric Second, get Ss to compare, share answers, & help fill in gaps

11.3.3. Group discussion with teacher

11.3.4. Ss write reflection and send by email What 1 thing did you learn from the presentation? Did you like the presentation? Why or why not? How can watching this presentation help you in your own life?

11.3.5. Ask Ss to revise essay with some of the things they learned from an effective presentation

11.4. Read texts that have to do with world issues - e.g. Holocaust, Arab Springs, Afghanistan, South Africa (watch Invictus)

11.4.1. develop critical thinking skills, social and emotional development, global awareness

11.5. Movie analysis

11.5.1. Arranged Marriage

12. Project-based learning

13. Technology

13.1. Twitter