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Hibernation af Mind Map: Hibernation

1. Why do they hibernate?

1.1. Survive cold winter with no food

1.1.1. Survival Strategy

1.2. Sleep away the harshest winter

1.3. To conserve energy

2. How do they hibernate?

2.1. First they prepare by storing away food or energy fro the winter

2.2. Some animals prepare their homes by insulating it

2.3. Drop heart rate

2.4. Drop body temperature

2.5. Recycle protein and urine to survive

3. What is hibernation?

3.1. Deep hibernation

3.1.1. breathing rates drop or stop

3.1.2. Almost impossible to wake them up

3.1.3. Lasts months on average

3.2. Light Hibernations

3.2.1. More like a long nap

3.2.2. Will getup more frequently

3.2.3. May be several days, weeks, or months long

3.2.4. Bodies don't go though extreme changes

4. Who hibernates?

4.1. Animals

4.1.1. Snakes

4.1.2. bees Sometimes only queen hibernates

4.1.3. box turtles

4.1.4. Chipmunks

4.1.5. Bats Huddle together in cave

4.1.6. bears Can give birth during hibernation

4.1.7. Hedgehogs

4.2. plants

4.2.1. Stop new growth

4.2.2. May happen in summer or winter

4.3. Humans?

4.3.1. Scientists are currently researching if it is possible for humans to hibernate