Chapter 12 Project!

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Chapter 12 Project! af Mind Map: Chapter 12 Project!

1. By: Chance, Chase, David

2. Manifest Destiny

2.1. This map shows how the U.S. wanted the land to expand westward. The lines are pointing the way that they wanted to expand.

3. Texas Independence

3.1. Haiku Poem:

3.2. Fighting for freedom

3.3. Same as the United States

3.4. Texas won their war

4. California Gold Rush (Focus Topic)

4.1. GoAnmiate:

4.2. Powtoon:

5. Video for Focus Topic

6. The Mexican American War

6.1. Bullet facts about the Mexican American War

6.2. After Texas gained their independence, Mexico still wanted Texas

6.3. After Polk's offer to buy some territory's, he instigated a war and moved troops to the Rio Grande border

6.4. Polk had a 3 part plan to win the war and it succeeded which led to their victory

6.5. The 3 parts of the plan were, Amercian Troops would drive the Mexicans out of the border, U.S. would seize New Mexico and lastly, American forces would take Mexico City.

6.6. First Armed conflict on foreign soil

7. The Oregon Trail

7.1. Bullet Bio of, John Jacob Astor

7.2. 1. He was a merchant that set up a trade post on the trail

7.3. 2. German-born American businessman

7.4. 3. First multimillionaire of the U.S.

7.5. 4. Born on July 17th, 1763, Died on March 29th, 1848

7.6. 5. He is important to this topic because he was a very unique trader on The Oregon Trail, and there were traders on the trail

7.7. 6. He was born in Walldorf, Germany but died in Manhattan, New York City, NY