Key Ideas

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Key Ideas af Mind Map: Key Ideas

1. Writing

1.1. Research paper

1.1.1. Genre

1.1.2. What kind of paper? Argumentative or analytical?

1.2. Choosing a topic

1.2.1. Is the topic assigned or chosen?

1.2.2. Brainstorm

1.3. Choosing an audience

1.3.1. Who is the audience?

1.3.2. Who will be interested? How can you gain interest in the topic? Will people agree with your argument?

1.4. How do you start?

1.4.1. Research

1.4.2. Develop and outline Devise a draft Revise, edit, and proofread your draft

2. Reading

2.1. Skimming, scanning, processing

2.2. Skimming

2.2.1. Abstract

2.2.2. Introduction Conclusion

2.3. Scanning

2.3.1. Scan the middle of the reading

2.3.2. Look for key ideas, section titles, tables

2.3.3. Processing Determine author's argumentt Does the argument make sense?

3. Academic Integrity

3.1. What is plagiarism?

3.1.1. Taking someone else's ideas and using them as your own Buying papers, reusing papers, no citations

3.1.2. Consequences of plagiarism

3.2. How to cite your rough draft

3.2.1. Direct quotes need footnotes

3.2.2. Must cite borrowed ideas Must cite statistics and data Correct format for footnotes and bibliography?