Stoneys Marijuana Addiction Centers

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Stoneys Marijuana Addiction Centers af Mind Map: Stoneys Marijuana Addiction Centers

1. Conner Bokman

1.1. Slides 4, 5, and 6


2. Carson Bozman

2.1. Business Flyer

2.1.1. STONEY’S


2.1.3. A Growing Facility…

2.1.4. For A Growing Problem...

2.1.5. Helping others learn to responsibly consume the newly legalized drug!

2.1.6. Services Offered:

2.1.7. Assistance in quitting or lowering consumption

2.1.8. Seminars related to education about Marijuana and safe consumption

2.1.9. Education on the risks of consumption

2.1.10. Ideas on what are the best Snacks to eat while High…….. cookies bro…. cookies


3. Shehzad Waseem

3.1. Business Letter

3.1.1. 123 Park Ave Washington DC, 40805 March 23, 2015 Maneet Sarai 123 Community College Lane Catonsville, MD 21228 Dear Mr. Sarai: I hope you have been enjoying the new wave of warmer weather that has been accompanying us as the spring approaches. With warmer weather also comes the large increase of marijuana sales. Marijuana addiction awareness has become much more common, and thus a lot more people now seek help to get rid of this attachment. To create a solution for these people, my colleagues and I have started a handful of marijuana addiction centers across the nation, called “Stoney’s Marijuana addiction center”. An addiction center would be a great way to help people in need, who need to get their uninteresting office job lifestyle back on track but are too lazy and hungry because of marijuana to be able to. Our headquarters are located in Washington DC, with other branches in Colorado, Washington, and California. All of these centers have on call counselors for patients to speak to through our 24 hour hotline (1-800-QUIT-WEED), and we also hold MA (marijuana addiction) meetings every Friday at 4:20. In these meetings, we mandate everyone bring their bongs for destruction, we confiscate their lighters, and we test patients’ urine weekly. Once a pothead always a pothead, and in order to help fight the addiction we have to take this extra step towards achieving promising results. Our marijuana addiction centers also offer a lot of services to help ease the potheads’ craving for weed. These products include cannitrol capsules, much like nicotine patches. There are an abundant amount of counselors that are available to set appointments with and come in to speak to, and they specialize in cognitive-behavioral therapy. There are also other physicians and counselors that use methods of motivational enhancement therapy and contingency management to further help those that cannot release themselves from the grasp of cannabis to help them function. Overall, the services we offer at our centers will help many people recover and get their lives back on track. We are compassionate and hire only the most certified psychiatrists and counselors. Confidentiality goes without saying and a patient’s comfort is our top priority. This might bring some people to think that this means the prices of our services would be out of the roof, but thanks to government subsidies through politicians that support and believe in this program, we are affordable for practically anyone with an income. Thank you for your time, and if you think you have had enough of marijuana influencing your life, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.


4. Michael Passarello

4.1. Power Point Presentation

4.1.1. Slides 7, 8 and 9

4.2. Mind Meister


5. Zaire Muhammed

5.1. Slides 1, 2, and 3
