Farrell Search Engine Optimisation - Marketing Process

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Farrell Search Engine Optimisation - Marketing Process af Mind Map: Farrell Search Engine Optimisation - Marketing Process

1. Search Engine Optimisation

1.1. Analyze your website

1.1.1. Mobile-Friendly/resonsive

1.1.2. Speed

1.1.3. Anchor Text Keywords

1.1.4. On Page optimisation Keywords Relevance User experience

1.1.5. Quality of links

1.1.6. Citations High quality/Relevant

1.2. Target Market

1.2.1. Audience

1.2.2. Relevant keywords

1.2.3. Long Tail Keywords

1.2.4. Number of searches Per month

1.3. Social Profiles

1.3.1. Facebook

1.3.2. Google MyBusiness

1.3.3. Twitter

1.3.4. LinkedIn

1.3.5. Pinterests

1.3.6. Posts to social accounts

1.4. Implement

2. Analytics

2.1. Previous Metrics

2.1.1. Compare previous month

2.1.2. Compare month for previous year

2.2. Goals and Objectives

2.2.1. Type of Website Ecommerce Purchase Lead Generation Provide contact details Content View pages Support Help themselves

2.3. Measurement Plan

2.3.1. How will we measure and what metric will we decide on for reporting and analyzing

2.3.2. Buisness objectives

2.3.3. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) What are your Goals and what can we use as a goal factor

2.3.4. Decide on segmentation

2.4. Implementation Plan

2.4.1. What in terms of reporting is appropriate for the clients

2.4.2. What types of tracking are we going to do? Based on the objectives of the client

2.5. Implement

2.5.1. Apply analytics codes to the appropriate pages for the specific goal

2.6. Refine

2.6.1. Use Google Analytics and Adwords reports to test, refine and grow based on which area is profitable

2.6.2. Repeat from #1

3. Social Media Marketing

3.1. Fan page

3.1.1. Interactive fans

3.1.2. Engagement ads

3.2. Target market

3.2.1. What are fans interested in

3.2.2. People are NOT on social media to buy

3.2.3. Demographic

3.2.4. Location

3.3. Content

3.3.1. Viral

3.3.2. Informational

3.3.3. News/updates

3.4. Offers and specials

3.4.1. Offers potential customers can not refuse

3.4.2. Limited time

3.4.3. Scheduling Offers. Eg once a month, quater, yearly

3.5. Retarget

3.5.1. Further % off

3.5.2. Trip wire

3.6. Analyze

3.6.1. Analytics reporting

3.7. Improve and repeat

4. Pay Per Click (PPC)

4.1. Goals and objectives

4.1.1. Branding

4.1.2. Click through Is the landing page enough for the customer to click through to specific objective If not, why? Where is the break down based on analytics

4.1.3. Abandoned What remarketing are in place? Display network based ads Searched based ads Social media based ads Frequency capping

4.1.4. What are some secondary goals? If main objective was not met Opt in to a list Give informational content Follow on social media

4.2. Target Market

4.2.1. Keywords

4.2.2. Landing Page

4.2.3. Relevance

4.2.4. Ad targeting (Copy writing, call to action etc)

4.3. Where is the appropriate place for ads based on clients objectives

4.3.1. Search Network

4.3.2. Display network Youtube TrueView In-Display Placements Keywords

4.4. Test

4.4.1. Broad -----> Analyze ------> Test ------> Refine

4.5. Measure

4.5.1. Based on reporting, where can we improve

4.6. Analyze

4.7. Improve

4.8. Repeat

5. Email marketing

5.1. List building

5.1.1. Segreated lists based on actions of the customer eg Buyers from those who had abandoned cart

5.2. Auto responder

5.2.1. Are there auto responders in place to welcome new people who opt in our list?

5.3. News letters

5.3.1. Keeping our list up to date on what is going on within our company.

5.3.2. Important updates, information about our products and sevices

5.4. Vaule

5.4.1. How can we keep our list involved and add tremendous value. Aim for over delivery on information, content, giveaways, offers exclusives

5.5. Offer

5.5.1. Bring more over the top value to our list with paid products