Overall Expectation: Effectively integrating information and communication technology into teach...

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Overall Expectation: Effectively integrating information and communication technology into teaching practice for students in the Primary Division. af Mind Map: Overall Expectation:  Effectively integrating information and communication technology into teaching practice for students in the Primary Division.

1. Technology

1.1. SmartBoard

1.2. Laptops

1.3. Desktops

1.4. Tablets

2. Primary Learners

2.1. Creative

2.2. Inquiry

2.3. Inventive

2.4. Curious

2.5. Visual

2.6. Play-based learning

2.7. Experience

3. Student Engagement

3.1. Interests

3.2. Technology

3.3. Arts

4. Resources

4.1. 50 Ways to Integrate Technology into you Classroom

4.2. Differentiating Instruction by Integrating Technology in the Elementary Classroom

4.3. Using the technology of today, in the classroom today

5. Integration

5.1. Arts

5.2. Technology

5.3. Language

5.4. Engagement

6. Subjects

6.1. Language

6.2. Visual Arts

6.3. Drama