Creating a Roller coaster

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Creating a Roller coaster af Mind Map: Creating a Roller coaster

1. Building

1.1. Cost

1.2. Revenue

1.3. Time

1.4. Space

2. Saftey

2.1. Test run everyday

2.2. Height and weight standards

2.3. "Seat belts so we can be safe" ~Dora the Explorer

2.4. Restrictions

3. Theme

3.1. Pictures to buy

3.2. Color

3.3. Name

3.4. Music

3.5. Surrounding area

4. Design

4.1. Hills

4.2. Loops

4.3. Fun

4.4. Speed

4.5. G-force

4.6. Friction

5. Operating

5.1. Motor

5.2. Cars

5.3. efficiency

5.4. Employees

5.5. Motor checks daily