Race in Latin America

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Race in Latin America af Mind Map: Race in Latin America

1. French and Haitian Revolution

1.1. 1 Large French colony and 1 smaller Spanish colony in Saint-Domingue

1.2. The French revolution began in 1789

1.3. The French revolution which created radical social changes

1.4. The Haitian revolution began in 1791

1.4.1. Attempts to prove all men were equal

1.4.2. Emancipation

1.4.3. Revolution for their freedom against the slave owners

1.5. Topic of slavery

1.5.1. White man oppressing the black slave

1.6. Atlantic Slave Trade

2. Racial ideas and Social Policy in Brazil, 1870-1940

2.1. Change geared toward being superior race: work, culture, democracy, and modernization

2.2. Immigration was looked at as a great way to help the civilization of the Mexican American population

2.3. Immigration began to have a bad name due to two factors: worsening socioeconomic situation and high demand of Argentina products.

2.4. Figueras states that color is of little importance on the scheme of things especially when natural selection would eventually take care of the racial problem

2.5. After the Revolution the political group Partido Independiente de Color was created of African individuals

2.6. Violence of Little War of 1912, huge genocide against African Race

3. Race in Argentina and Cuba, 1880-1930

3.1. Impaction from Darwinism

3.2. Visions of Face

3.2.1. Domingo R. Sarmiento: Multitude of problems

3.2.2. Carlos Octavio Bunge

3.2.3. Jose Ingeniero Socialist "coherent and intransigent racial evolutionism in Argentina"

3.3. Indians were considered as a yellow race

3.4. 1869 Indians represented 5% of total population

3.5. 1895- .7% of total

3.6. Black and Indians minorities

3.7. Cuba's Immigration and Colonization Law of 1906 prohibited Chinese and Non-Whites from entered

3.8. Afro-Cuban struggle to shatter the false concept that they had been associated with

3.9. European scientific racism

4. Racism, Revolution, and Indigenismo

4.1. Indigenismo means a political ideology

4.2. Afro‐descendants 

4.3. The Indigenismo coined the term Indian

4.4. Mexican Lands

4.5. The mestizaje is the outline of what it means to be Mexican and developed after the Revolution

4.6. Struggle for the Indians in Mexico to gain equality

4.7. The Chinese population also was effected- after the Revolution they were harassed, beaten, murdered