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Assessment af Mind Map: Assessment

1. Definintion

1.1. Assessment is the common process of collecting meaningful data from students in a certain measurement for documentation, reflection or improvement of both student learning and institutional practices.

2. Purpose

2.1. The purpose of an assessment is to help students learn, help teachers improve their teaching, help administrators see where they need more resources and help policymakers see how certain education programs are doing.

3. Types

3.1. Formative

3.1.1. Informal Ex: Observations

3.1.2. Formal Ex: Quizzes

3.2. Summative

3.2.1. Ex: Final Exams

3.3. Interim

3.3.1. Ex: Benchmarks

3.4. Diagnostic

3.4.1. Ex: Pre-Quiz (Before the lesson)

3.5. Performance

3.5.1. Ex: Portfolio

4. Scoring Types

4.1. Human Scoring

4.2. Distributed Scoring

4.3. Automated Scoring

4.4. Rubric

4.5. Checklists