What technologies exist to help the online learner?

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What technologies exist to help the online learner? af Mind Map: What technologies exist to help the online learner?

1. forums

1.1. Forums are a form of asynchronous communication. They provide indirect communication for most tasks in a class. https://www.questia.com/library/journal/1G1-77842896/online-lectures-benefits-for-the-virtual-classroom

2. chat rooms

2.1. chat rooms are a form of synchronous communication. When used correctly provide direct feed back to the students. https://www.questia.com/library/journal/1G1-77842896/online-lectures-benefits-for-the-virtual-classroom

2.2. Deception Detection in Chat rooms

3. whiteboard. (what is whiteboard?)

3.1. Collaboration tool for groups together on over long distance. Works mostly like a whiteboard from school.

4. Plagiarism Fighting tools

4.1. Plaiarism checking tools / websites like https://www.grammarly.com/plagiarism-checker http://plagiarism-detect.com/ http://www.duplichecker.com/

4.2. Search the web in reverse

5. Learning platform


5.2. Harvard and MIT edX

6. online videos

6.1. Videos are used as a teaching tool for both upper and lower level degrees. "The Expanding Role of Online Video in Teaching, Learning, and Research"

6.2. Video taps into emotional responses to have students pay closer. "Enhancing the learning experience in finance using online video clips"

7. Although not all technology is helpful, or even useful. Technology has moved swiftly forward and with it the online classroom. With the advance of technology has come a better understanding of how to deliver and interact with the material being put in front of the online classroom.