House Cleaning Checklist

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House Cleaning Checklist af Mind Map: House Cleaning Checklist

1. Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning

1.1. Vacuum all floors and upholstered furniture

1.2. Treat deep stains

1.3. Steam clean all carpets and upholstery


2. Kitchen Cleaning

2.1. Wipe down cabinets

2.2. Clean the microwave

2.3. Clean the fridge

2.4. Clean the stove and toaster

3. Bathroom Cleaning

3.1. Clean and disinfect toilet

3.2. Clean and disinfect sink

3.3. Wipe down walls

3.4. Scrub tub/shower

4. Other Cleaning Tasks

4.1. Clean windows

4.2. Remove cobwebs

4.3. Wash curtains