Usability of Interactive Applications

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Usability of Interactive Applications af Mind Map: Usability of Interactive Applications

1. Quality of Communication

1.1. people who communicate

1.2. people who make use

1.3. access tools

1.4. content and services

2. accessibility

2.1. international standards

2.1.1. W3C- WAI initiative Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

2.2. usable accessibility

2.3. people with disabilities

2.3.1. blind users screen readers aural design

3. design dimensions

3.1. content

3.2. information architecture

3.3. navigation/interaction

3.4. semiotics

3.5. graphics/layout

3.6. operations/transactions

4. ISO-Definition

4.1. users

4.2. contexts of use

4.3. goals

4.4. design characteristics

5. Evaluation

5.1. Inspection

5.1.1. MILE+ scenario-based inspection user profile user goal and tasks technical inspection heuristics library

5.1.2. expert reviewers

5.1.3. experience-driven

5.1.4. method/protocol-driven

5.2. User Testing

5.2.1. recruiting users

5.2.2. tasks

5.2.3. observation

5.2.4. usability lab

5.3. Scenario-based

5.4. Heuristics-based

5.4.1. Nielsen's generic heuristics

5.4.2. principles of good design

5.5. domain-dependent perspective

5.6. domain-independent perspective