Renewable forms of energy

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Renewable forms of energy af Mind Map: Renewable forms of energy

1. Waste Cold Energy

1.1. Cold energy from liquefied natural gas plant

1.2. Liquefied natural gas regasified and large quantity of cold energy released

1.3. Two ways can be utilised

1.3.1. Uses cold energy to produce ice and the ice is transported to the central plant.

1.3.2. Cool the chilled water directly via heat exchangers

2. Surface Water Energy

2.1. When temperature of the surface water is low enough, free cooling technology can be used in DCS

2.2. Sending the cold seawater from the sea to the heat pump units

2.3. By eliminating or bypassing chillers, the energy consumption of DCS is largely reduced

3. Solar Energy

3.1. Solar energy collected by thermal collectors and converted into hot water

3.2. Hot water exchanges heat with circulating water from the absorption chillers for cooling and district heating network for heating