How influential was the Roman catholic church in medieval time? No really influential was...

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How influential was the Roman catholic church in medieval time? No really influential was it? af Mind Map: How influential was the Roman catholic church in medieval time? No really influential was it?

1. Holidays

1.1. Holidays were to celebrate the gods there were so many gods that it felt like there was a festival every singal night. Some holidays that they had celebrated we still celebrate today like Valentines Day. On these holidays some people pulled out names from a ha\t to be there husband or wife. This festival is Lupicalia and they had to get engaged ro married if they have not already.

1.2. Holidays

2. Crusades

2.1. Crusades were generally portrey there was holy wars that were led by mad popes and they fought fanatics. Crusaders they introduced western aggression to the peaceful middle east.

3. Art And Architecture

3.1. Roman art was copied by the greek art for the satues. Statues were made out of clay and marble and medal was some times added in the statue. The statues had carved gods in them which meant that they had to be made very well.

4. Education

4.1. Roman education was very important. Rich people put a great deal of faith in education. Poor people did not actually go to school but they still learned to read and write. Rich children got a professional tutor and that is what ancient rome school was. The actual school was only meant for boys.