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carrer web af Mind Map: carrer web

1. value

1.1. personnal mission and values

1.1.1. familly/friends

1.1.2. integrity

1.2. businesses mission and values

2. new technoligies

2.1. The future

3. Experience

3.1. years

3.2. mixed experienced

3.3. personal strenght

3.4. personal weaknesses

4. Politics

4.1. affiliation

4.2. countries

4.3. different areas

5. employee culture

5.1. new ways to work nowadays

6. specilization

6.1. graphic designer

6.2. photograph

6.3. project manager

7. where

7.1. international

7.2. local

7.3. home/on the road/freelance

7.4. employee

7.5. cities

8. jobs offered on market

8.1. Where?

8.2. How?

8.3. How much?

8.4. Who is offered?

9. salary

9.1. hours

9.2. social benefits

9.3. taxes

10. by prodject

10.1. What is the work?

10.2. For who is the work?

10.3. project manger