Resiliency factors that contribute to foster youth alum's academic and employment success

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Resiliency factors that contribute to foster youth alum's academic and employment success af Mind Map: Resiliency factors that contribute to foster youth alum's academic and employment success

1. Common skills lacking in foster youth

2. The role of educational services in student success

3. The role of mentorship in foster youth

4. Role of therapy in foster youth alum

5. Percentage of foster alum that hold steady jobs

6. Role of trauma in brain development

7. Support services that contributed to the over all well being of foster alum (i.e. therapy, mentorship, academic tutoring, transitional housing)

8. Common difficulties faced by youth in child welfare

9. common attributes of successful undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students

10. Percentage of foster alum that attend post-secondary education

11. The role of the family in academic success

12. Examples of foster youth alum who have succeeded