Topic (Environmental Ethics)

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Topic (Environmental Ethics) af Mind Map: Topic (Environmental Ethics)

1. Introduction

1.1. Attention Grabber/ThesisStatement

1.2. Topic Sentence

1.3. Question related to the topic (How do scientists make the correct choice when faced with a dilemma that calls for the extermination of a specific species?

1.4. Answer to the question with three supporting details.

2. Second Body Paragraph (Curent Detriments to the Environment)

2.1. Supporting Information

3. Conclusion

3.1. Restate Topic Sentence

3.2. Summarize Body Paragraphs

4. First Body Paragraph (Environmental "Value" of the Species)

4.1. Supporting Information

5. Third Body Paragraph (Future Environmental Risks)

5.1. Supporting Information

6. Referernce Page