Forms of Energy

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Forms of Energy af Mind Map: Forms of Energy

1. Thermal Energy

1.1. Definition: The total potential and Kinetic energy related to the motion of all the microscopic particles in an object.

1.1.1. Examples:

1.1.2. Molten Metal

1.1.3. Ice

1.2. My Definition: the total energy in the particles in an object.

2. Chemical Energy

2.1. Definition: The energy stored in chemical bonds.

2.1.1. Examples:

2.1.2. Wood

2.1.3. Gas

2.2. My Definition: The energy that chemical bonds store.

3. Electromagnetic Energy

3.1. Definition: A form of energy that travels through space in the form of waves.

3.1.1. Examples:

3.1.2. The Sun

3.1.3. The Moon

3.2. My Definition: Energy that changes electric and magnetic fields.

4. Electrical Energy

4.1. Definition: The energy associated with electric changes.

4.1.1. Examples:

4.1.2. Toaster

4.1.3. Phone Charger

4.2. My Definition: energy that changes electric and magnetic fields.

5. Potential Energy

5.1. Definition: Energy that is stored because of position or shape.

5.1.1. Examples:

5.1.2. Plucking the strings on a cello

5.1.3. Pulling back a bow string

5.2. My Definition: The energy from changing the shape of something.

6. Mechanical Energy

6.1. Definition: The energy associated with the motion and position of everyday objects

6.1.1. Examples:

6.1.2. Sprinting Athleats

6.1.3. Bouncing Balls

6.2. My Definition: The energy from speed and shape of everyday objects.

7. Nuclear Energy

7.1. Definition: The energy from atomic nuclei

7.1.1. Examples:

7.1.2. Power Plant

7.1.3. Atomic bomb

7.2. My Definition: the energy to form a nuclei.

8. Kinetic Energy

8.1. Definition: The energy of motion.

8.1.1. Examples:

8.1.2. (KE) = 1/2 mv 2

8.1.3. 8lbs cat runs 1mph

8.2. My Definition: The Kinetic energy depends on mass and speed.