Two Step Word Problems

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Two Step Word Problems af Mind Map: Two Step Word Problems

1. Key Terms

1.1. Two Step

1.2. Multiple

2. Steps for Solving

2.1. 1. Read the problem twice

2.2. 2. Think about what is going on in the story in the first part.

2.3. 3. Decide if you need to add or subtract

2.4. 4. Write a number sentence and solve

2.5. 5. Use the answer from the first part and repeat the steps with the second part of the problem.

3. Differentiating for Each Group

3.1. Higher Achievers: Giving opportunity for students to show me how they would solve and then supporting students that struggle to solve.

3.2. Middle Achievers: Showing an organizational structure that can be applied to solve and then giving opportunities to practice with the structure.

3.3. Lower Achievers: Going step by step through a problem to solve using the organizational structure.

4. Misconceptions

4.1. Do I need to add or subtract?

4.2. How do I regroup?

4.3. Am I finished with the problem?

4.4. How to do I organize my thoughts and steps?

5. Prior Knowledge

5.1. Situations where you need to add

5.2. Situations where you need to subtract

5.3. How to subtract (with and without regrouping)

5.4. How to add (with and without regrouping)

5.5. How to write a number sentence to solve

6. Future Topics

6.1. In 3rd grade, students will also be asked solve two step word problems with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.