Education Program

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Education Program af Mind Map: Education Program

1. English Language Arts

1.1. Engaging students

1.1.1. Taking learning outside

1.1.2. Stimulating creativity with music

1.1.3. Visual texts

1.2. Exemplary lesson plans

2. Elementary Math

2.1. Connecting math to other subject areas

2.2. Taking math off the page

3. Science

3.1. Disciplines

3.1.1. Ecology

3.1.2. Physics

3.1.3. Chemistry

3.2. Nature of Science

3.2.1. teaching critical thinking

3.2.2. scientific method

4. Technology in Teaching

4.1. Love

4.2. Hate

5. Self-exploration

5.1. team building

5.2. personal strengths/weaknesses

5.3. reflection on personal learning style and diversity of learning styles in others

6. Assessment

6.1. formative

6.2. summative

6.3. (student) self assessment

6.4. peer assessment

7. Teaching and Learning Theory

7.1. Behaviourism

7.2. Constructivism

7.3. Situated learning

7.4. Blooms Taxonomy