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MindMeister af Mind Map: MindMeister

1. What can MindMeister Do?

1.1. Write Ideas

1.1.1. Example 1

1.1.2. Example 2 Example 2.5

1.2. Type in Color

1.2.1. Example

1.2.2. Example

1.2.3. Example

1.2.4. Example

1.3. Add Text Styles/Sizes

1.3.1. Example

1.3.2. Example

1.3.3. Example

1.4. Add Background Styles

1.4.1. Example

1.4.2. Example

1.5. Add Boundaries

1.5.1. Example Example

1.5.2. Example Example

1.5.3. Example Example Example

1.5.4. Example Example Example

1.6. Add Emojios

1.7. Add Images

1.7.1. Example

1.7.2. Example

1.8. Add Videos

1.9. Add Files Locally or from GoogleDrive, Dropbox, or Evernote

1.10. Add Notes

1.10.1. Example

1.11. Add Links

2. What do these look like when put together?

2.1. End Results:

2.1.1. Example Example Example

2.1.2. Example

2.1.3. Example

2.1.4. Example

2.2. Examples of other MindMeister Mind Maps

2.2.1. Marketing Strategy

2.2.2. German Food

2.2.3. Memorial Day

3. What is MindMeister?

3.1. MindMeister is the leading online mind mapping and collaboration tool in the field of education

3.1.1. What is Mind Mapping? Mind Maps store and structure vast amounts of information They display hierarchy Show relationships between topics Allow students to see the "bigger picture" at one glance Helps students to learn faster, take better notes, and brainstorm more effectively Helps to boost memory (by 15%) and improve the understanding of complex topics

4. Why is MindMeister helpful?

4.1. Students can work on their maps from home, school, or even on their mobile devices to seamlessly link their classroom and homework activities together

4.2. The software allows students to brainstorm and collaborate in real time, making group projects more efficient and entertaining

4.3. Teachers can create engaging presentations in short amounts of time and easily share them with individual students or groups of students at once

4.4. Helps students learn and process complex topics, and it enhances productivity to enable students to learn faster, take better notes, and brainstorm more effectively

5. MindMeister on teacher/student interaction:

5.1. Explanation

5.1.1. Teachers can verify student participation, trace the exact thought process of students, and mange access to mind maps instantly

5.1.2. Allows students to work simultaneously together on the same mind map