Argumentative Writing

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Argumentative Writing af Mind Map: Argumentative Writing

1. Misconceptions

1.1. NOT the same as persuasion

1.2. Does not require "fighting"

1.3. Personal belief in claim not necessary to be effective

2. Key Terms

2.1. Argument

2.2. Topic

2.3. Claim

2.4. Counterclaim

2.5. Refute

2.6. Rebuttal

2.7. Rhetoric

2.8. Validity

2.9. Evidence

3. Prior Knowledge

3.1. Essay organization

3.2. Credible research strategies

3.3. Strong verbs

3.4. Transition and indicator statements

3.5. Voice and tone

3.6. Thesis statement

3.7. Task, purpose, audience

4. Future Topics

4.1. Debate

4.2. Speech-writing