Love (v)

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Love (v) af Mind Map: Love (v)

1. (v) love 1 have a great affection or liking for

1.1. fall in love

1.1.1. care for cherish dote

1.1.2. sentiment relationship

1.2. worship

1.2.1. devotion

2. enjoy

2.1. delight

2.2. passion

3. (v) love 2 have sexual relations

3.1. look tenderly

3.1.1. make love love life

3.2. feel

3.2.1. kiss

3.3. relationship

3.3.1. emotion sweetheart

4. detest

4.1. despise

4.1.1. hate dislike abstain

5. devoted (n)

5.1. honey

5.2. dear

5.3. darling

6. Aurelia GALAOT et Diassa COULIBALY L3 SDL TP3

7. (n) love 3 a strong positive emotion of regard and affection

7.1. his love for his work

8. like

9. romance

10. not care