ethically using tools

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ethically using tools af Mind Map: ethically using tools

1. analyze

1.1. to critically search for the correct or essential elements needed

1.2. people analyze maps using tools like magnifying glasses

2. locating

2.1. To try and find the exact position of something.

2.2. People use GPS to locate and go to other places

3. synthesize

3.1. To judge or determine the significance of something.

3.2. People use tools like calculators to solve or determine the significance of a problem.

4. organize

4.1. to form or set something up.

4.2. people have many different systems to organize.

5. synthasize

5.1. To form by combining certain elements.

5.2. People synthasize in chemistry by combining different chemicals to make new things.

6. definition of main idea

6.1. To properly abide by and use.

6.2. People go to school and classes to learn how to properly use different tools