Why is netiquette and civility in the classroom held to such a high standard?

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Why is netiquette and civility in the classroom held to such a high standard? af Mind Map: Why is netiquette and civility in the classroom held to such a high standard?

1. Forms of Bullying

1.1. Identity Theft/Impersonation-stealing someone’s password

1.2. Photoshopping-doctoring digital images so that the main subject is placed in a compromising or embarrassing situation

1.3. Rumor Spreading-spreading gossip through e-mail, etc.

2. Conflict Management

2.1. feeling threatened about an Interest

2.2. feeling threatened about a need

2.3. feeling threatened about a Value

3. No Age Discrimination

3.1. Adults

3.2. Youth- About one-third of online teens (ages 12-17) have been cyberbullied. Girls are more likely to be targeted

4. Who Can Be A Target

5. Cyberbullying

6. Conflict