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Justin Rodkey af Mind Map: Justin Rodkey

1. Novice

1.1. Basecamp / Ingeniux

1.2. EndNote

1.3. Mindmeister

1.4. Piktochart

1.5. Prezi

1.6. SPSS Software

2. Advanced

2.1. Adobe

2.1.1. Photoshop

2.1.2. Webcontent

2.2. Blackboard

2.3. Bolt

2.4. Computers

2.4.1. Basic Functions

2.5. Digital Camera

2.6. itunes

2.7. MyFitnessPal

2.8. PeopleSoft

2.9. Skype

3. Challenges

3.1. Can develop Dependency

3.2. Everything costs $$$

3.3. Rapidly Changing

4. Enjoyments

4.1. Allows for Creativity/Fun

4.2. New Applications/Tools

4.3. Information at my Fingertips

5. Favorite App

5.1. Facebook

6. Mind Map

6.1. Mindmeister

7. Technology Experience

8. Technology

9. Proficient

9.1. DropBox

9.2. HuskySync

9.3. Kindle App

9.4. Padlet

9.5. Smart Phone

9.6. Voice Thread

10. Expert

10.1. Email

10.2. Facebook

10.3. Microsoft Office

10.3.1. Excel

10.3.2. Power Point

10.3.3. Word

11. Area of Interest for Dissertation

11.1. I am still debating my topic for my dissertation however a few ideas include: (1) Understanding why young athletes drop out of sports at high rates early in their 'careers'. Would look at youth around 10-14., (2) Are multi sport athletes less likely to get injured as compared to single sport athletes., and (3) The effects of Title IX within collegiate athletics at the Division II level. Any thoughts about these areas would be greatly appreciated.

12. Education

12.1. Penn State University.

12.1.1. B.S. Human Development and Family Studies

12.1.2. Option: Children, Youth, & Family Services

12.2. Ohio University

12.2.1. M.S. Recreation and Sport Science

12.2.2. Option: Coaching Education/Athletic Administration

12.3. Drexel University

12.3.1. Ed.D. Educational Leadership and Management

12.3.2. Option: Athletic Administration

13. Work Experience

13.1. Aquatics Director

13.1.1. Messiah College

13.1.2. YMCA

13.2. Collegiate Coach

13.2.1. Bloomsburg University

13.2.2. Messiah College

13.2.3. Chowan University

13.3. Instructor in Exercise Science

13.3.1. Bloomsburg University

13.3.2. Messiah College