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History of Robots af Mind Map: History of Robots

1. Types of robots

1.1. remote controlled systems

1.2. Humanoid robots

1.2.1. ASIMO http://asimo.honda.com/

1.3. Speaking Robots and Conversation: http://goo.gl/gPrStU

1.3.1. Typically, AI chatbot conversations are wooden and terrible, as opposed to human conversation Simon the social robot at Georgia Tech improves this Cleverbot has made advances in robots learning from people: http://goo.gl/3RPZZo

1.4. Nanorobotics

1.4.1. in medicine http://goo.gl/cVxcfL http://goo.gl/DMN19Z https://goo.gl/BSSrG4

1.4.2. in research http://goo.gl/tlpH4l http://goo.gl/zY4sPv http://goo.gl/yFgyBW http://goo.gl/xhuH9e

1.5. Walking Robots: goo.gl/RKe0YG

1.5.1. Atlas Robot can walk through the woods: goo.gl/2Cu4W9

1.5.2. Vertigo robot can walk up walls: goo.gl/o8S0WI

1.5.3. DARPA's Big Dog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNZPRsrwumQ

1.6. Autonomous Weaponized Robots: http://goo.gl/MPUzfW

1.6.1. Weaponized non-lethal drones are now legalized for use by law enforcement, equipped with tear gas and taser: http://goo.gl/QiI167

1.6.2. Robot use combined with human control if necessary in warfare: http://goo.gl/QP7WAa

2. Timeline

2.1. Origins of robots

2.1.1. Robots have their roots in ancient legends (Golems, living statues, men made of metal) https://goo.gl/8EJB8U Czech word "robota" meaning slave labor or drudge work. The word "Robot" was coined in 1921 by Karel Capek for his play, "Rossum's Universal Robots", in which robots are built for work, develop personality, and eventually take over https://goo.gl/igub2G This play was presumably written as a reaction to the second Industrial Revolution and the era of "mass democracy", in which new machinery was boosting output immensely, and the human being became just a part of a mass (loss of humanity in individual) I.E., Robots have been a concept for much longer than they have had a definition

2.2. 1970s robot stuff

2.2.1. http://goo.gl/BCvvhD David Silver designs the Silver Arm, a robotic arm to do small-parts assembly from feedback using delicate touch and pressure sensors. The arm´s fine movements replicate those of human fingers.

2.3. 1990s robots

2.3.1. robot pets BIONICKANGAROO https://goo.gl/uucLy AIBO http://www.sony-aibo.com/aibos-history/

2.3.2. http://riseabove.io/blog/google-robots-big-like-internet-1990s/

2.4. Advancements in the past decade http://goo.gl/MFO4UE

2.4.1. i-LIMB is a commercial prosthetic that's multi-articulating and capable of "power grip". http://goo.gl/eh0BXX A newer prototype restores the sensation of touch by connecting to the patients nervous system. Starting to be capable of more intricate motor patterns. Able to pack a suitcase. Grip chips http://goo.gl/sifcLd

2.4.2. Nano Hummingbird Equipped with a battery, camera, motors, and a communications system. Weighs less than a AA battery.

3. Controversies

3.1. Breaking Asimov's laws of robotics??? http://goo.gl/vEJMbX

3.1.1. Robot will obey 2nd law according to 5 "felicity conditions" but NOT otherwise