Czech Republic: The Heart of Europe

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Czech Republic: The Heart of Europe af Mind Map: Czech Republic: The Heart of Europe

1. Planning Your Trip

1.1. This page will contain the essentials needed for planning a trip, including flight information and accommodations (airlines /hotels in search sites such as Kayak) as well as price estimates (how much money one will need for tickets, leisure, etc.).

1.1.1. I will attach links and possibly photos of different search sites (or if I can, embed something similar to a widget) so viewers can have the fastest access to how the sites work

2. Contact

2.1. This page will give our contact information or a dropbox where one can ask any questions/comments concerning the site or the trip being planned. In addition, it will contain a link with our Social Media page.

2.1.1. Social Media link attached

2.1.2. I will either leave my e-mail address here or put in a comment box in which people can send comments and questions to me directly from the page

3. Culture Crave

3.1. This page is somewhat of a extension of "Top Ten Sites" but is more for those who are wanting to escape the touristy feel and who want to really experience the local culture. This page will contain a handful of local, cultural areas to visit and things to do in areas with less foreigners.

3.1.1. (Same technology ideas as "Top Ten Sites" - Graphic Design/QR Codes)

4. Top Ten Sites

4.1. This page will list a "top ten" list of sites to see in the Czech Republic. These areas are very renowned and famous and are the "must-see" destinations for any first-time visitor.

4.1.1. Graphic Design/QR Codes-I will create a flyer/poster describing the Top Ten Sites as well as general information about each of them (location, open times, costs)

5. Home

5.1. This page will serve as an introductory page concerning the Czech Republic to get people interested in traveling there. The "About" page will go more in-depth with this.

5.1.1. I will edit and then attach some of my photos taken during my previous visits there.

5.1.2. I will embed a video about the Czech Republic

6. About

6.1. This page will explain who we are in the travel agency as well as give a general general overview of the Czech Republic.

6.1.1. Infographics-I will put together a flyer and add some graphic design elements into this page to create an artistic way to give the listed information

7. Tagline: "Discover the rich and timeless culture of the Heart of Europe!"