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Learner af Mind Map: Learner

1. Written Curriculum

1.1. Knowledge

1.2. Concepts

1.3. Skills

1.3.1. First exam

1.3.2. Second exam

1.3.3. Third exam

1.4. Attitudes

1.4.1. Multimedia

1.4.2. Books

1.4.3. Work sheets

1.5. Actions

1.6. Projects

2. Demonstrates attitudes towards learning applying skills in a collaborative group: classroom or playground

3. Written curriculum + taught curriculum = Balanced learning

4. Taught curriculum

4.1. Inquiry

4.2. Construction of meaning

4.3. Collaborative

4.3.1. Develops an inquirer

4.3.2. Thinkers

4.3.3. Open-minded

4.4. Planner

4.4.1. Knowledge

4.4.2. Concepts

4.4.3. Skills

4.5. Summative

4.6. Learning experiences

5. Construction of knowledge evident as knowledge is obtained and then concepts are formed: such as from 1st to 2nd grade, transferring math skills into music

6. Actions are demonstrated through learning experiences: classroom experiences as well as community projects