Indefinite Articles

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Indefinite Articles af Mind Map: Indefinite Articles

1. An

2. A

3. Rules for using the article

3.1. In general , the indefinite article "a" is used in front of a noun ( name) that begins with a consonant

3.2. The largest part of nouns and adjectives beginning with unit also take the indefinite article "a"

3.3. When a noun begins with an aspirated H , you have to use the indefinite article "a"

3.4. when a novice voice carries sound and it will require the article "a"

4. Rules for usin the article

4.1. The indefinite article "an" is used in front of a noun cominenzan with a vowel.

4.2. When a noun begins with a non- aspirated H is silent and do not add anything to the pronunciation of the noun . it requires the article "an"

5. is used to

5.1. "A y an " is used before professions (in this case , unlike the Spanish in the profession requires not precede article one or )

5.2. "a y an " is used to designate persons and things used to designate an individual or object as representative of a class

5.3. before names preceded by a diploma when translated the idea of ​​" one"

5.4. In front of words that indicate actions , price, etc. when they are followed by the preposition in Spanish or behind for adverbs of quantity as such, half , etc.