European Refugee Crisis

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European Refugee Crisis af Mind Map: European Refugee Crisis

1. Readings


1.1.1. Sabrina quote -- on investing in infrastructure for pre-existing German citizens




1.4.1. Helsinki police say there was an increase in rapes in the latter half of 2015, coinciding with a surge of 32,000 asylum seekers arriving in Finland. But the increase — 196 rapes in 2015, compared with 179 in 2014 — is statistically small.

1.4.2. racial boundaries and negative qualities amidst nation-states Marxist, Feminist anthropologist -- when a group has equal access to production -- subjugation of women -----> coming from societies where women do not have access to means of production, thus creating a greater gender inbalance.

1.5. Precursors -- Naomi Wolfe - collapse of American - Letters to a Young Patriot -- US internal problems

1.5.1. 2008 recession -- and right wing politics Environmental Systems approach what is the carrying capacity

2. Additional Resources

2.1. Hans Rosling, June 2015


2.2.1. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) estimates that more than 1,011,700 migrants arrived by sea in 2015, and almost 34,900 by land.

2.2.2. (Chart 6 Germany opted to take the most with quota systems, but Italy, Hungary and Greece are facing "disproportionate burdens."

2.2.3. Hungary and Sweden are most affected by migrants. (Chart 5)

3. Reception of refugees and the refugee crisis abroad (Trump?)

3.1. Economics and Policy

3.1.1. Netherlands - cost of refugees in certain countries 57 Euros/week using numbers as a deterrant against immigration policy

3.1.2. migrant labor force assists economics and with an aging labor force these should be

3.1.3. Economic argument, asylum seekers that cannot be processed, which in turn leads that they cannot enter the workforce, even when you are granted it still takes time (3 months) to enter the workforce

3.2. quota systems for jobs and placements -- equal opportunity in the workplace and the numbers are not reflected

3.3. Moroccan immigrants to Netherlands

3.3.1. Judgement -- negative connotation associated with crime and

3.3.2. Bible belt of the Netherlands that has divide between Moroccan and current PM is shedding light onto better integration

3.3.3. Construction of Difference US (race-based) vs Europe (ethnic-based) Ethnic breakdown of nation-states World Wars == defining borders and national identities -- Treaty of Versailles -- Niall Ferguson

3.4. Germany not trying to be Pluralistic -- more assimilationist -- must learn German values

3.4.1. Germany carrying capacity is not the problem, its more of a bureacratic problem to process this large number

3.4.2. Hamburg, Naturally Protected Areas that is potentially an option for refugees

3.4.3. EU problem about geographic spread of people

3.4.4. backlash against Merkel within her own party ideas of the silent majority

3.4.5. Collective security --- EU collective block trying to collaborate and work together -- Unions are good idea, however the realities of these things are an issue Hans Rosling -- UN, EU -- NATO --- collective --

4. Personal experiences you have had with immigrants to Europe?

4.1. Etic perspective as an US citizen,

4.2. In Greece, cleaning staff from Sierra Leone, entered Greece and has been marginalized due to language problems and paid a lower wage because of her unskilled

4.2.1. her son cannot attend school because he does not have the paper

4.2.2. lacking basic human rights

4.3. In Greece/Sweden/Bosnia and Hungarian rep in MUN,

4.3.1. Syd, struggles to understand -- political problem more than a people problem humanitarian aid versus government policy

4.3.2. Global responsibility and global citiznshep a reality or no?

4.4. Policy -- do we choose elected representatives to make decisions for us or to listen and decide based on the people they serve?

4.5. Access to opportunity and luck of place of birth

4.5.1. Arrow Theorem -- people will choose individualistically over group

5. Conservative estimate of another million refugees arriving in 2016

5.1. Germany 10,000 migrants entering per day

5.2. EU overwhelmed with refugees at the moment

5.3. 10,000 Refugees to be accepted in GB over 5 years, while Germany takest hat in day

5.4. Under-represantation of groups, that need to make noise to be heard, they have to be as aggresive and outspoken