William Shakespeare

A mind map of William Shakespeare

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William Shakespeare af Mind Map: William Shakespeare

1. Business Ventures

1.1. 107 Acres of Farmland

1.2. The Globe

1.3. Stratford's 2nd Biggest House

2. Education

2.1. Religious studies

2.2. Latin

2.3. Classic Greek plays

2.4. Local Grammar school

3. Relationships

3.1. Anne Hathaway (Married to)

3.2. Sponsors

3.2.1. The Lord Chamberlain's men/The King's Men

3.3. Children

3.3.1. Judith Quiney

3.3.2. Hamnet Shakespeare

3.3.3. Susanna Hall

3.4. Siblings

3.4.1. Gilbert (Died at 46 years of age)

3.4.2. Edmund died at 27)

3.4.3. Margaret (Died 1 year later)

3.4.4. Richard (Died at 39 years of age)

3.4.5. Anne (Died at 7 years of age)

3.4.6. Another Daughter named Joan (Died at age 77)

3.4.7. William (Died at 52 years of age)

3.4.8. Joan (Died 2 months later)

4. Plays

4.1. Tragedy

4.1.1. Titus Andronicus

4.1.2. Timon of Athens

4.1.3. Othello

4.1.4. King Lear

4.1.5. Julius Caesar

4.1.6. Hamlet

4.1.7. Coriolanus

4.1.8. Antony and Cleopatra

4.1.9. Macbeth

4.2. Recurring Themes

4.2.1. Romeo and Juliet

4.2.2. Salacious Humor

4.2.3. Satire

4.2.4. Romance

4.2.5. Betrayal

4.2.6. Marriage

4.3. Historical

4.3.1. Richard III

4.3.2. Richard II

4.3.3. King John

4.3.4. Henry VIII

4.3.5. Henry VI Part 3

4.3.6. Henry VI Part 2

4.3.7. Henry VI Part 1

4.3.8. Henry V

4.3.9. Henry IV Part 2

4.3.10. Henry IV Part 1

4.4. Comedy

4.4.1. All's Well That Ends Well

4.4.2. Winter's Tale

4.4.3. Two Gentlemen or Verona

4.4.4. Troilus and Cressida

4.4.5. The Tempest

4.4.6. Taming of the Shrew

4.4.7. Pericles, Prince of Tyre

4.4.8. Much Ado About Nothing

4.4.9. A Midsummer Night's Dream

4.4.10. The Merchant of Venice

4.4.11. The Merry Wives of Windsor

4.4.12. Measure for Measure

4.4.13. Love's Labour Lost

4.4.14. The Comedy of Errors

4.4.15. Cymbeline

4.4.16. As You Like it

4.4.17. Twelfth Night