Optimizing Refinery Operations

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Optimizing Refinery Operations af Mind Map: Optimizing Refinery Operations

1. Step 6

1.1. The data put them in a database.

1.2. they formalized a control model

2. Step 5

2.1. Now the best response model that satisfies the problem was chosen.

3. Step 4

3.1. He collected data to evaluate the problem

3.2. Evaluate the data for their real or approximate solution to the real.

4. Step 7

4.1. the model according to the results obtained in Step 6 was implemented

5. Step 1

5.1. he meets defined the purpose of the problem

5.1.1. Step one because it meets defined the purpose of your problem

6. Step 2

6.1. He is already defining the data to organize the problem:

6.1.1. Production cost

6.1.2. Amount of energy

6.1.3. Performance (Input / Output)

6.1.4. Reduced maintenance costs

7. Step 3

7.1. Use linear programming to formalize the problem and ensure their solution